HFA have extensive experience conducting psychological forensic assessments and providing expert opinion reports for Court. Examples of the types of assessments and reports undertaken are:
- Pre-sentence reports
- Fitness to plea and fitness to stand trial assessments
- Treatment needs reports
- Parole assessments and reports
- Assessment of capacity to be held criminally responsibility (for children)
Other types of forensic and medico-legal assessments and reports undertaken at the practice, which are not related to offending are:
- Assessment of civil competencies
- Criminal injuries compensation reports
- Reports for Family Court proceedings
- Risk assessment and parenting capacity assessment reports for child protection matters
- Psychological reports for immigration matters.
- Motor vehicle insurance and Worker’s Compensation assessments
Practitioners at HFA Psychology also provide psychological treatment for offending behaviours, such as:
- Substance use
- Anger and violence
- Family and domestic violence
- Sexual offending, including online and contact sexual offences
Psychological treatment reports can be provided for Court hearings.
While we welcome referrals from private individuals, lawyers, and agencies, all reports required for legal purposes or Court hearings are strictly completed under the instruction of a lawyer, or referring agency.